The following images show issues that the TSCID is in the process is in the process of repairing
Location: Mountain Industrial Boulevard near Presidents Way
Details: Broken catch basin

Location: 1525 Mountain Industrial Boulevard
Details: Chipped edges in concrete at pedestrian ramp

Location: 1569 Mountain Industrial Boulevard
Details: Concrete deterioration and cracked sidewalk (ADA) hazard

Location: 1727 Mountain Industrial Boulevard
Details: Potholes, pavement deterioration and cracking

Location: 1741 Mountain Industrial Boulevard
Details: Damaged catch basin, broken bollard and pavement cracking

Location: 1826 Mountain Industrial Boulevard
Details: Faded MUTCD sign and missing street blade

Location: 1849 Mountain Industrial Boulevard
Details: Storm water manhole filled to the top with sediment and debris creating inadequate water drainage

Location: 2401 Mountain Industrial Boulevard
Details: Erosion causing significant damage to the roadway

Location: 2918 Mountain Industrial Boulevard
Details: Stormwater drainage inlet with hazardous rebar cover